How To Attract Healthy, Supportive Friendships, Mary Giuliani Interviews Shasta Nelson

If you want deeper, more connected friendships in your life, tune in to my interview with Shasta Nelson! Reading Shasta’s books, Frientimacy & Friendships Don’t Just Happen truly changed my LIFE!! I was able to develop deeper, more meaningful friendships after reading and applying the actions steps she outlines in it. Shasta is the CEO of and writes as a relationship health columnist in The Huffington Post. She also delivers keynote addresses, teaches workshops, hosts retreats, and facilitates Friendship Accelerator and Speedfriending events in the U.S. and Canada.

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About the host

Mary Giuliani has a 25-year background as a Master Certified Coach, and is a keynote speaker, author, and seminar leader specializing in supporting survivors in healing from complex trauma and achieving long-term recovery with food, weight, and substances. She has a passion for supporting survivors in learning how to connect with themselves and others in healthy, fulfilling relationships and how to turn their pain into power and purpose.

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Mary Giuliani
Complex Trauma & Resilience Coach

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