The 3 Reasons You May Struggle With Close Relationships
How Hidden Trauma Sabotaged My Relationships Childhood Trauma is Relational Trauma When I learned that childhood trauma is also known as relational trauma, another
You Can End The Struggle
By Healing The Root Cause!
I am the author of It’s Not About Food, Drugs or Alcohol: It’s About Healing Complex PTSD.
I’ve also been a Master Certified Coach for over 20 years, and am a keynote speaker and seminar leader specializing in supporting survivors in healing from C-PTSD, achieving long-term recovery with food, weight, drugs, and alcohol – resulting in them reconnecting with themselves and others and turning their pain into power and purpose.
As a survivor in long-term recovery from C-PTSD (complex PTSD), and struggles with food, severe obesity, alcohol, and drugs, I’m a fierce advocate for ending the stigma of obesity, addiction, and mental health disorders by providing science-based evidence of their direct link to ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) that result in survivors developing C-PTSD.
I offer FREE information on the latest research, helpful tips, tools, and techniques in healing from C-PTSD and how to end your struggle with food, weight, substances, or close relationships by healing the root cause.
Are You A Mental or Behavioral Health Practitioner or Company Struggling To Grow Your Business? End the struggle by accessing my extensive background as an award winning mental and behavioral health business development executive. I’m passionate about growing companies dedicated to providing evidence-based mental and behavioral health healing and recovery programs, services and products.
Inspire, uplift, and transform your event and audience by hiring me as your keynote speaker for your next childhood trauma, addiction, or ACEs conference or event.
How Hidden Trauma Sabotaged My Relationships Childhood Trauma is Relational Trauma When I learned that childhood trauma is also known as relational trauma, another
If you said yes to this question, I so relate to your pain. Just a few short years ago, I would have definitely said YES to this question. I remember every time I would hear Wayne Dyer give a lecture, he would inevitably say “Don’t die with your music still in you.” When I first began hearing him say this, I thought it was such a beautiful and poignant way to deliver his message.
I Get It!
I Used To Struggle With All of These Issues
Until I Got The Support I Needed To Heal The Root Cause
If You’re Ready To Heal From C-PTSD & Get On With
Living A Life You Love,
I Would Love To Discuss Working With You
Contact me today to learn how I work with coaching clients
Learn How To Heal From Complex PTSD
Learn How To End Your Struggle With Food, Weight, Substances & Relationships