How the Wisdom of Your Core Wounds Clarifies Your Calling & Leads You To Your Tribe -Mary Giuliani Interviews Jeffrey Van Dyk

How the wisdom of your core wounds will clarify your calling & lead you to your tribe!

I had a great interview with Jeffrey Van Dyk about his revolutionary program: Tribal Marketing. Tribal Marketing is designed to support leaders and entrepreneurs that are waking up to a higher calling, contribute on a much deeper level. Jeffrey’s Tribal Marketing program is designed to help his clients connect how the wisdom of their core wounds will help them identify their calling and lead them to their unique tribe or market.

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About the host

Mary Giuliani has a 25-year background as a Master Certified Coach, and is a keynote speaker, author, and seminar leader specializing in supporting survivors in healing from complex trauma and achieving long-term recovery with food, weight, and substances. She has a passion for supporting survivors in learning how to connect with themselves and others in healthy, fulfilling relationships and how to turn their pain into power and purpose.

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Mary Giuliani
Complex Trauma & Resilience Coach

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